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 Gulabi Sambad
Episode 88, Season 02, Supplement Capsules Essential or Overhyped?, Podcast Gulabi Sambad
Gulabi Sambad
Aug 9, 2024

Supplement capsules are popular and marketed as essential for good health, but many experts say a balanced diet can provide most nutrients without them. This means their benefits might be overhyped. However, some supplements are important for reproductive health. For example, folic acid helps prevent birth defects, and omega-3 fatty acids can improve fertility. It's important to talk to a doctor before taking any supplements to avoid possible negative effects.

In this episode of Gulabi Sambad, we discussed nutrition with Dr. Aruna Uprety, a Public Health Expert. Dr. Uprety highlighted the nutritional benefits of locally available foods and explained when taking supplements becomes necessary.

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Episode 88, Season 02, Supplement Capsules Essential or Overhyped?, Podcast Gul...
