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 Gulabi Sambad
Episode 91, Season 02, SRHR Challenges Through the Lens of Female Community Health Volunteer, Podcast Gulabi Sambad
Gulabi Sambad
Aug 30, 2024

In Nepal, Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) are essential in addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in rural areas. However, they face challenges like limited resources, cultural barriers, and insufficient training. These difficulties are heightened by societal norms that restrict discussions on sensitive SRHR issues. Despite these challenges, FCHVs remain crucial in promoting SRHR awareness, emphasizing the need for better support and training.

In this episode of Gulabi Sambad, we explore these topics through a conversation with Shanta Poudel, a Female Community Health Volunteer from Bardiya. Poudel shares her experiences working as an FCHV, highlighting her dedication, along with other FCHVs, to improving the lives of local citizens. She discusses how they have been actively raising awareness on sexual health, reproductive health, and women's health issues within the community.

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Episode 91, Season 02, SRHR Challenges Through the Lens of Female Community Hea...
